Friday, May 20, 2011

Truck Accident colours a City

What would someone do with 8,000 gallons of printer ink? Well many in a small north east American city found it to be a very colourful day. It was actually a tractor trailor crash on the highway during the morning rush hour. You get to laugh though without guilt because no one was hurt from the accident. However, when the crash occurred at 6am on March 9, it was nothing short of an environmental disaster and a huge mess.

The tractor trailer had actually rolled over, which is what caused its contents to hit the highway and it was a very colourful disaster. The printer ink was found later to not cause any immediate threat to the environment, or even to people. It’s just a scene that many people will never experience hopefully ever again.

The accident occurred in Peabody, Massachusetts, during the morning rush hour at 6 AM. If you thought that you were delayed before, you would have been delayed for several hours while State Police and other authorities were out overseeing the cleanup. As you might expect, traffic was restored to normal in about a few hour’s time but it still something that the citizens of Peabody will never forget.

Of course, neither will the Internet. The moment this story broke it became viral, being posted on countless sites around the world, including our blog.

When you think about it how often do you find that a huge truck has turned over onto a highway? Pretty often, right? It’s the fact that the truck contained nothing but printer ink that makes it funny. Now,  it wouldn’t be funny if someone got hurt but thankfully that wasn’t the case. However, it was a very costly accident with the cleanup and it will go down in Internet history for many years to come.

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