Friday, May 13, 2011

Time Management

In today’s world the term “multi-tasking” has been researched, and evaluated by hundreds of professionals, and is continually up for debate.

However you can’t sum up the results as certain individuals are simply better at multi-tasking than others.

You also have to consider that some people are required to multi-task while others would do better if they just managed their time more efficiently.

For example me; a Mom working from home and office I, (most of the time) have to create all types of lists and notes so I don’t forget to do anything. I have to work around my child’s schedule so I can work without interruption at all different times during the day. Sometimes this means working longer than expected, working weird hours or putting sleep last. I never know what the day will bring. I could be on an important call, my son happily watching a video quietly when he will decide it’s a good time to take off his diaper and go to the bathroom on the carpet… I am constantly adapting so I can be ready for anything at any moment. This could mean cleaning a diaper mishap, or taking that sales call I have been trying to get for days!

I need to manage my time to make sure I can maximize what’s required of me. I need to be organized to do my job well as well as be the best Mom I can be.

Then you have the other side of the coin where multi tasking is not necessary or helpful. For example a student who is doing their homework while texting on their blackberry and watching TV will definitely prove that Multi tasking in this manner is not going to get her best work done.

Here are five steps that will help manage your time whether you’re in the office, working from home, going to school, or getting your chores done on the weekend:

1.    Complete follow up and responses: We all have questions asked of us that we may or may not know the answer to. Most people prefer a full answer rather than a rapid response that is missing bits of pieces causing them to ask again, wasting both of your time as you will have to spend double the amount getting back to them with excessive emails or phone calls. If you know the answer, respond as soon as you can. If not, let the person know that you are looking into it. Then when you have some time to concentrate and have all the facts clearly outline the answers, using bullets or repeating their request back to them to ensure proper communication.

2.    “To Do List”: There is nothing more useful and self reassuring than a “To Do List”. The very practice of making one forces your brain to organize itself and prioritize more efficiently. Keep the items to about 5 things/ day as if there are more you will overwhelm yourself, and set yourself up for failure. Take this list for example, by the time you’ve reached number 5 you’ll be tired of reading, if it was a list of “10” things you would only register a few of them anyways. Crossing something off a list of things to do, leads to a feeling of self satisfaction and accomplishment and gives you the energy you need to get the rest of the things done.

3.    Prioritize: Some things you have to get done are more important than others. A customer who is unhappy is a priority over one that just needs clarification on something. Likewise a child going to the bathroom on the on the living room carpet may cause for a “Can you hang on a minute?” rather than finishing the call, whilst allowing your child to finger paint your room with his feces. If it’s an important meeting you are booking or an assignment due, you will have to schedule that to when you know you will have uninterrupted time to focus. If things change as they often do, be honest and request to reschedule. People appreciate that more than you being distracted, just as you’d appreciate if from them.

4.    Know when you’re most productive: Knowing when you work best is important. Perhaps you’re an early riser and can get amazing amounts of chores, calls, or (whatever the task may be) done. If you’re tired at the end of the day that gives you less motivation to do what needs to be done, if you’d rather be spending time with your family than doing work, then make sure that you get up extra early or have a later supper together to ensure that you’re maximizing your efficiency with work and enjoyment of life.

5.    MULTI- TASKING: Generally it’s good to avoid it, but if it has to be done, make sure you’ve made a list, prioritized that list, and been honest about your human abilities. Be reasonable, holding a baby, cutting vegetables for dinner, washing the floor, typing in those notes from the meeting, and finishing those last pending calls may not be the best combination, but then again… Practice makes perfect! JUST KIDDING, there are limits people.


  1. Thanks for sharing this post. You have written very clearly about how to manage our precious time. I use Replicon's online time recording software to manage all my time management tasks. It is very efficient at making time sheets and tracking your performance over a defined period of time.

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